
Refer detailed information about BME course requirements on the UTSW Graduate School BME website.


Ph.D. students complete a flexible curriculum that includes core engineering and life science courses as well as advanced electives related to their research. A minimum of 21 hours of didactic coursework is required for graduation.
In addition to coursework, the curriculum for first-year students includes up to four laboratory rotations and training in responsible conduct of research.
Beginning in their second year, students participate in a Works-in-Progress course in which they present and receive feedback on their dissertation research. The curriculum is further enhanced by numerous seminar series and journal clubs offered across the UTSW campus.
All doctoral students must pass a qualifying exam (Exam I), usually given during the second year. A supervisory research committee is formed for each doctoral candidate after successful completion of their qualifying exam. This committee reviews and evaluates the student’s progress, provides expertise and guidance on their research, and participates in the proposal and dissertation defenses.