The Biomedical Engineering Society aims to create a community for trainees to cultivate a network of interdisciplinary engineers that will provide social, professional, and community impact throughout their careers as members of the BMES at UTSW.



William Miller



External Affairs

Program Operations

Natalie Bell

Pegah Askari

Suzette Palmer

William Miller

Animesha Krishnamurthy

International Relations

Professional Development

Lisa Kim

Aleksandra Nielsen


Student Chapter

“The Computational Biology emphasis within the BME program provides a unique opportunity to tackle relevant biomedical problems via edge-cutting computational techniques. My project focuses on understanding morphology and genetics guided tumor evolution by applying novel deep learning algorithms.”
-Aleksandra Nielsen

“My study of computational biology has opened a fascinating world where elegant utilization of simple principles can explain facets of the omnipresent question: How does life work?“
-Austin Marckx

“It is absolutely inspiring to be a part of the incredible biomedical engineering community at UT Southwestern, where pioneering scientists from various expertise come together to elucidate disease mechanisms and translate scientific findings to ultimately advance patients’ quality of life.”
-Maggie Wang

“The encounter between rays from atoms and cells in the human body can reveal early traces of cancer and highlight avenues of treatment, which is the greatest fascination of medical physics.”
-Lixiang Guo

“Engineering concepts such as biomechanics and the creation of biomaterials are critical in the pursuit of translating basic science research into products that can be used to help our patients in the clinic. Through the development of a state-of-the-art engineering complex and the formation of a staff that is dedicated to engineering science; UTSW is showing the nation that they are committed to developing groundbreaking biotechnology, while also developing the next generation of biomedical engineering talent.”
-Conner Hutchinson